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We are always looking for smart, creative, and hard-working people to join the group. We are in need of people with good quantitative skills who don't mind kicking corn stalks for part of the summer. Individuals graduating from the lab often end up in academic, industry, and government positions. Postdocs never need a second postdoc, and graduate students frequently get positions directly following their PhDs. If you are interested, please send your CV and cover letter to Sara Miller at
Graduate Students – Prospective graduate students should apply through Cornell University’s Plant Breeding and Genetics Section or Computational Biology Program. Students joining the group generally get a diverse education in quantitative genetics, high throughput genomics, and experience with diverse germplasm in the field. US students are expected to get support for part of the tenure - either through intramural or extramural fellowships. Foreign students must secure extramural fellowships to support their tenure.
Postdoctoral Associates – We are always looking for great postdocs to join the group. Strong skills in computer programming and modeling are necessary. Researchers with experience in human, animal, and other model organisms and evolution are especially encouraged to apply. At minimum applicants need to have accepted two first-author publications from their PhDs, and we generally do not hire postdocs who have already done a first postdoc.
Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and CV to Sara Miller at
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